Written by @yctheman after seeding products to over 1000 influencers, in collaboration with DTC Daily Newsletter.

🚨 There is a problem with traditional product seeding.

It relies too much on “no commitment” to get replies from influencers.

Of course, if you send product without commitment to someone, they will say YES.

It’s basically saying

*Here’s some free cash - do you want it?

I don’t need anything in return!*


But this is disingenuous and not authentic.

You do, in fact, need something in return.

You need posts, and sales in return.

If you don’t build this expectation upfront, you’re setting yourself up for failure (and loss 📉). Bigger brands might be able to afford this. But if you’re an emerging brand without unlimited inventory and cash to burn on hoping that the influencer posts about you — you need a different strategy.

Traditional seeding teaches you to lie upfront, then try to strong-arm creators into posting about your brand.

And the fact is, in 2023, influencers can see through your BS.

So stop it.